Hillary Clinton has been on the potential-president radar for quite some time. And before the personal email server scandal of late, she was probably a strong contender for the Democratic nomination in the next election – even though she hasn’t exactly walked the Obama walk and talked his talk as much as people might expect.

The Standard Weekly wrote an article in August of 2014 after Hillary Clinton’s book, “Hard Choices”, received critical reviews for its inaccuracies. Seriously, if you are going to write a book about your life and can’t get the facts straight, should you really be writing that book?!?

While the article, “Hillary Clinton’s Reputation“, also mentions how “…the Clintons are obsessed with brand management and have become exceedingly skilled at maintaining the improved reputation they have developed since the dark days of the Lewinsky scandal. This reputation is not going to fall apart simply because of a bad book rollout.”

At some point a continued string of stupid and avoidable mistakes inevitably catches up to the source and becomes painfully obvious – no matter how much damage repair is done.

As she continues to shoot not just her presidential candidacy, but also her overall reputation in the foot, one begins to wonder if she’s even qualified to make consistently intelligent presidential decisions. After all, if you don’t know better than to have private communications sent to your personal email on your personal email server in government dealings, that should raise some huge questions in Hillary’s ability to make smart, logical and responsible choices as the President.

For her or her people to claim that the server was never compromised is also a joke. That’s not the point as it should never have happened to begin with. Besides, most people would challenge the ability for her to know without any doubt whether her server was hacked or not. Of course, that is what she was told because there is no proof to the contrary – yet.

And if it does turn out that the server was hacked, she’s sure to just claim having had the best of intentions and being oh so sorry for all the mess she created.

Yes, we’re picking on her a bit, but you get the point, right? How can you seriously consider a person as a potential President of the United States when they can’t see or predict a train wreck like this long before it happens? We might bet that her people told her repeatedly to not have the server set up and she forced it against better judgement. Politics today, more than ever before, is a chess match. It requires critical thought.

She hasn’t been display those abilities as of late.

There are other issues that have put Hillary under fire. On March 26, 2015, Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post wrote the article, Are Democrats sure about Hillary Clinton?. The real question is whether ANYONE is sure about Hillary Clinton. If this is how she rolls as Head of State, what kinds of problems would she be creating for the country as President?

Jennifer wrote another article on Hillary the same day titled, “Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers crumble”, which cites a Quinnipiac University poll.

Last year Kathy Frankovic wrote an article/reputation audit on Hillary at YouGov.com – “Reputation audit:  Hillary Clinton“. It would be interesting to see where the numbers are today, more than a year later.

Our biggest frustration is to have so much confidence in her to make a difference and then feel let down because of the stupid choices she has made. That where all the Hillary bashing comes from and it clearly has affected our view of her reputation.

The real question at this point is how she proceeds from here. She definitely has some reputation repair work to do and she needs to start by doing a better job of anticipating situations she causes herself.